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The Standing Tall Leadership Project

The Standing Tall Youth Leadership Project.jpg

We are excited to bring back one of our beloved projects and this time, we are opening it up for wider participation!


The youth of any nation is its future and at the Maria-Nina Foundation, we firmly believe that harnessing our youth's talents in preparation for future leadership is essential to ensure good governance and political stability which has a downstream effect on food security, population health and world peace. The importance of this cannot be overemphasised for small and middle income countries. 


The scale of the world's problems are huge, however, we will make change by creating an army of future change makers, one youth at a time.


So what activities do we have going on right now?


1. LEADERSHIP MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: Year round enrolment in leadership mentoring program. Email with your queries and a member of our team will respond in 3 to 5 working days. 


2. ESSAY COMPETITION​ (September 1st 2024 to October 31st 2024).

Title: I defeated the challenges, I made it through


This is an opportunity for mentorship, scholarships and a chance to win prizes.

We are looking for young leaders who have a story to tell.

The Maria-Nina Foundation presents “The Standing Tall Leadership Project”


The Standing tall leadership project is looking for young leaders who have a story to tell.

You can do this by participating in a national essay competition open in 2 age categories: 11-14 and 15-18.​


Write a compelling account of your life leading up to now, telling us how your intrinsic qualities as a leader and survivor have helped you to surmount various challenges and how they will lead you to achieve your dreams. Your title will be: "I defeated the challenges, I made it through". 


What story do you have to tell that demonstrates your determination and fighting spirit? How can you prove that you have done the best to succeed despite your life's circumstances? Why are you a winner?

These are examples (but not all)of what you can weave uniquely into your essay. 


You are advised to ensure that your work is entirely your own and reflects your personal story. Work that is unoriginal or with evidence of adult or AI assistance will be disqualified. Your work should reflect your personality and you must be able to corroborate your stories. You will assessed on structure, grammar and flow, in addition to the authenticity of your story.

The word count for the junior category (12-15 years) is 1000 words (+/-250 words); while the senior category (16-18 years) is 2000 (+/-250).


The competition opens on the 1st of September 2024, with a deadline at midnight GMT on the 31st of October, 2024.

Successful participants will be announced on the website as well as on TV and radio from the 1st of December 2024.


Awards will include cash prizes (up to NGN 1000,000.00 in each category) and educational materials which will be presented at a ceremony in Abuja, Nigeria on the 20th of December, 2024. The venue details will be confirmed subsequently. Winners will also be enrolled in our premium leadership mentorship program.


Include your name, address, telephone number as well as your parent or guardian's full contact details.


Email your submission to with the subject COMPETITION: INSERT YOUR NAME



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